The Landi Family

Archive for October, 2009

In Saint Louis for IEC event

by on Oct.25, 2009, under Jim

_DSC6403, originally uploaded by landi family.

While in St. Louis for the IEC event, I had a chance to walk over to the Arch and snap some pictures.

– Click here to view all the images

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Yosemite National Park

by on Oct.10, 2009, under Jim

_DSC5818, originally uploaded by landi family.

Just getting around to going through all my photos over the past month. This shot was taken while driving in Yosemite National Park in Calf.

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Now Entering Red Rock

by on Oct.10, 2009, under Jim

_DSC5517, originally uploaded by landi family.

Less then a 30 minute drive West of the Las Vegas strip, Red Rock. The best part it only costs $5.

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