The Landi Family

Archive for May, 2013

Memorial Day

by on May.27, 2013, under Jim

Unknown-soldier-by-james-landi-mdThis shot was from Arlington National Cemetery a few years ago when I was in Washington DC for work.

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Largetst panorama I’ve ever done

by on May.05, 2013, under Jim

CFCO-chain-of-lakes-pano-BIG by jlandi
CFCO-chain-of-lakes-pano-BIG, a photo by jlandi on Flickr.

This was reduced my 75% and still clocks in over 8Meg. 15 owners from our Central Florida Challenger Owners group

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CFCO staging for our Sunday Cruise

by on May.05, 2013, under Jim

IMG_1122 by jlandi
IMG_1122, a photo by jlandi on Flickr.

What will my neighbors think? All in all we have 15 Challenger show up for our first cruise, have lunch and park event. Everyone seemed to have a great time and wanted to know when the next one was.

BTW CFCO – Central Florida Challenger Owners, Click here to view the web site

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Canadian Rockies

by on May.05, 2013, under Jim

_DSC8049 by jlandi
_DSC8049, a photo by jlandi on Flickr.

Just West of downtown Calgary, to view the whole set via Flickr click here

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