One of the swans at Rodger Williams Park
by site admin on Nov.22, 2009, under Jim

_DSC7403, originally uploaded by landi family.
One of the Swans at Rodge Williams Park. More pictures from the park here
– Rodger Williams Park, Providence Rhode Land
Not what you use a 500mm lens for
by site admin on Nov.17, 2009, under Jim
While walking along Lake Proctor via one of the many Birding trails , I came across these along the trail. Armed with only my Sigma 150-500 I took the shot thinking outside the box.
Orlando wetlands park
by site admin on Nov.09, 2009, under Jim
What started out as a very gloomy overcast morning turned into some great light. However two and a half hours later the wind kicked up and the clouds returned. Overall a great day to be outside taking pictures.
Little red chapel
by site admin on Nov.03, 2009, under Jim
Mother nature and the sun where not on my side this morning, however I was able to take a few good pictures. This is the Chapel located in the center of the Geneva Wilderness area shot from across the pond.
Full moon on Halloween
by site admin on Nov.01, 2009, under Jim
We had a full moon on Halloween with the temperate around 84 degrees. Broke out the 150-500 sigma to capture some lunar shots
We are now officially known for giving out “full size” candy bars by the kids and parents who remembered us from the past four Halloweens. It’s been a Florida tradition since 2005
In Saint Louis for IEC event
by site admin on Oct.25, 2009, under Jim

_DSC6403, originally uploaded by landi family.
While in St. Louis for the IEC event, I had a chance to walk over to the Arch and snap some pictures.
– Click here to view all the images
Yosemite National Park
by site admin on Oct.10, 2009, under Jim
Just getting around to going through all my photos over the past month. This shot was taken while driving in Yosemite National Park in Calf.
Now Entering Red Rock
by site admin on Oct.10, 2009, under Jim
Less then a 30 minute drive West of the Las Vegas strip, Red Rock. The best part it only costs $5.
Road back to Las Vegas
by site admin on Sep.22, 2009, under Jim
Some where near Red Rock in the Lake Mead Management area
Half Moon over central Florida
by site admin on Aug.27, 2009, under Jim

Half Moon, originally uploaded by landi family.
For some reason I never feel like taking Moon Pictures when it’s full. here