Looking for fish
by site admin on Aug.22, 2009, under Jim
Here is an example of NOT being ready. Before I was able to run in, grab my camera, long lens, then remember the battery sitting in the charger. He was already done dive bombing for fish and just circling. I was still able to capture a few shots.
Parthenon in Nashville TN USA
by site admin on Aug.19, 2009, under Jim

Parthenon in Nashville TN USA, originally uploaded by landi family.
The only exact replica, in the world, to the Parthenon in Athens Greece. However, this one is still standing. 🙂 I will say, I always thought the Parthenon was much larger, still impressive to see in person.
Located in Centennial Park, right outside of Nashville TN.
Mary Poppins
by site admin on Aug.15, 2009, under Jim
The new Mary Poppins ride at Downtown Disney in Orlando, follow the image link for more picture of the Downtown Disney area.
Bryan and Stephany’s engagement party
by site admin on Aug.14, 2009, under Jim
Hollywood Rockit at Universal Studio’s Florida
by site admin on Aug.02, 2009, under Jim

Hollywood Rockit at Universal Studio’s Florida, originally uploaded by landi family.
Looks like they are finally testing the new Roller Coaster at Universal Studio’s here in Florida. More images here
by site admin on Jul.26, 2009, under Jim
Just hanging around on a rainy Saturday afternoon in July.
Test shots with lens
by site admin on Jul.07, 2009, under Jim
Trying to get things ironed out with the 70-200 f2.8 lens before the July 18th Scott Kelby world wide photo walk takes place. I need to practice a bit with the settings. I had it on AF-C when I should have used AF-S but at the time I did not know he was going to get up and fly right in front of me.
Humming Bird
by site admin on Jul.05, 2009, under Jim
One of three humming birds playing in the back yard of our neighbors tree.
Kristen and Nicole on the Forth of July 2009
by site admin on Jul.05, 2009, under Jim

_DSC3025, originally uploaded by landi family.
The kids celebrating the Forth very low key this year. With the chance of rain high, I did not buy anything worth wild in the way of fireworks. We’ll have to make up for it during Christmas.
Click here for more pictures of the kids and some of the neighborhood fireworks.
Big eyes
by site admin on Jul.04, 2009, under Jim
I go hiking early am and find nothing. I come home from the store to this guy in pond next to the house…. go figure.