Nicoles new car
by site admin on Jul.03, 2009, under Jim
Well it’s finally time. Nicole got her first car last night. A 2000 Ford Mustang Convertible. It’s a V6 as I’m not that stupid 🙂
They grow up so quickly.
Big Econ State Forest – Central Florida
by site admin on Jun.13, 2009, under Jim
Hulk at Universal
by site admin on Jun.12, 2009, under Jim
Lisa, Kristen and Nicole sitting in the front row of the Hulk
Up close and personal
by site admin on Jun.06, 2009, under Jim
As I made my way back to the car, this guy/gal was just asking for me to take it’s picture
GPS data embedded in the metadata as well as my map on flicker
I think I’m being followed
by site admin on Jun.06, 2009, under Jim
I came upon this deer while on a photo walk along the Geneva Birding trail near my house.
Pelican at Pier 60
by site admin on May.05, 2009, under Jim
Pier 60 at Clearwater Beach
by site admin on May.03, 2009, under Jim

_DSC1760, originally uploaded by landi family.
The family and I took a drive over to the west coast to spend the day at at the beach.
One of the better looking birds hanging out on the pier. check out my photo stream on flickr to view more photos from the day.
Lunch with a view
by site admin on May.01, 2009, under Jim
While on an early morning bike ride, before work. LIsa and I came across this beautiful hawk up in a very old tree eating a fish. This was on the Seminole county bike path
Chris with his GoPro Camera at Universal
by site admin on Apr.27, 2009, under Jim
Family riding the Hulk
by site admin on Apr.25, 2009, under Jim
Chris, Lisanne, Kristen and Nicole in the front row riding the Hulk at Universal Studio’s Florida