Halloween Horror Nights at Universal 08
by site admin on Oct.11, 2008, under Jim
Took the kids to Universal for Halloween Horror nights. Besides the tornado warnings, and heay rain, it was fun.
Click here to view these and more in our flickr gallery.
Note to family members. Once following the link to flickr, you can click on the image to view it larger.
Homecoming – Hagerty High school 08
by site admin on Oct.11, 2008, under Jim
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by site admin on Oct.04, 2008, under Jim
Lisa’s niece, Stephany got us front row tickets to the Blue Man Group, for our anniversary. We in turn got th kids 6th row tickets :-). The show was fantastic, granted the theater was a bit smaller then I expected but that just means there is no bad seats.
New FPSadmin logo?
by site admin on Sep.28, 2008, under Jim
Been playing around with the logo and images I use for most of my avatars. Still working on it.
While in Fort Lauderdale under Tropical Storm Fay
by site admin on Aug.19, 2008, under Jim
I was awoke this am by a very loud explosion. The utility pole outside my hotel room (10th floor) kept shorting out, producing a very nice light show. There was about 8 or 9 explosions over a 2-3 hour time period. This was during land fall of Tropical Storm Fay here in Southern Florida
Click here to view the above images via my Flickr account
Trip to San Fran
by site admin on Aug.10, 2008, under Jim
While attending the IDG/Linux World event I had a chance to snap some images of San Fran.
– Click here to view
A list of my social urls
by site admin on Jul.23, 2008, under Jim
Twitter – TherealRudedog
Facebook – James Landi
Friendfeed – Rudedog
Website – FPSadmin.com
by site admin on Jul.03, 2008, under Jim
If anyone is looking for FPSadmin.com and stumble onto this site, or get this page by mistake, take note
We moved servers late last night (for the FPSadmin domain) and the DNS my not have updated(porbigated throughout the internet).
FPSadmin.com should resovle to, however all three domains are hosted on this box and landi.net may be the one you see first.
Because of that you may encounter a redirect to this page. Once the DNS is updated throughout the world all should be better.
-Rudedog FPSadmin.com, FPSgameforums.com and Landi.net
Another trip to Disney (Star Wars Weekend coming to a close)
by site admin on Jul.02, 2008, under Jim
At first we where a little hesitant because it was the last day for Star Wars at
MGM, ah I mean Hollywood Studios. The park was not that bad, however Mother Nature had other plans and we had to call our visit short.
While we tried to get on the new Toy Story ride, they closed the ride after waiting in a 70 minute line for 30 minutes.
However the new Pixar Studios at Disney was impressive to say the least. Wish we could have gotten on the Toy Story ride.

Photobooth fun
by site admin on May.18, 2008, under Jim
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