Discovery blasts off
by jim on Dec.10, 2006, under Jim
Captured from my driveway, a spectacular night launch of STS116 Click to view (Quicktime required) This video is just over 1 minutes long and weighs in at at just over 72MB! I Originally shot at 1080i, but I reduced it down to 1280×720 H.264 to reduce the file size. Shot using a Sony HDR-HC1 camcorder
Successful launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis
by site admin on Sep.09, 2006, under Jim
Today I captured the successful lauch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis STS-115
Video was taken from my driveway about 56 miles west of Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Click image to view or right click save as. You will need quicktime to view
It’s only 46 seconds but weighs in, close to 38 MB !!
I reduced it down to 1280×720 H.264 using a Sony HDR-HC1 camcorder
Dad’s old Clamshell Mutoscopes at Disney World, Florida
by jim on Jul.15, 2006, under Jim
Back in the late 70's, my dad who reconditioned old slot machines sold at least 4 of these Clamshell Mutoscopes to Disney for their new theme park in Florida.
click to view full size
Click images to enlarge Up until the late 80's these where located in the penny arcade on Main street. However, Disney turned the old penny arcade into a modern video game arcade and removed all their penny machines, including the ones pictured above. Fast forward to 2006, I now live about 40 minutes from Disney World. While at the park a few weeks ago we where caught in one of Florida's daily rain storms. When I took cover in the newly remodeled train station's second floor, to my surprise, I came across my fathers old machines. I remember playing on these in our basement along with all the other old slot machines, steam shovel games and some very old pin ball machines.
My del.icio.us page
by jim on May.26, 2006, under Jim
del.icio.us is a site for social bookmarking. My del.icio.us page an be found here: http://del.icio.us/rudedog
Some quick links from me
by site admin on Feb.11, 2006, under Jim
A great site for bookmarking your own favorite sites easily, then sharing them with the world is del.icio.us
-My links can be found hereÂ
– Online IM via AJAX, called meebo.com
Some quick links from me
by site admin on Feb.11, 2006, under Jim
A great site for bookmarking your own favorite sites easily, then sharing them with the world is del.icio.us
-My links can be found hereÂ
– Online IM via AJAX, called meebo.com
Happy New Years
by site admin on Dec.31, 2005, under Jim
Well we made it through another year. Hope everyone has a great new years.
After school trip to Disney
by site admin on Aug.20, 2005, under Jim
The nice thing about living in Florida, or close to Orlando is that you can take a quick ride to Disney World after school.
More images in the gallery
Move complete
by site admin on Aug.20, 2005, under Jim
Well our move to our new house is now complete. For anyone trying to find the images in the gallery, just click here
Writes Farm 2005
by site admin on Jul.17, 2005, under Jim
We spent the day at Writes Farm in North Smithfield today, to celebrate Jim and Nathan’s Birthday.
To view pictures taken today, click, here