The Landi Family

Some quick links from me

by on Feb.11, 2006, under Jim

A great site for bookmarking your own favorite sites easily, then sharing them with the world is

-My links can be found hereÂ

– Online IM via AJAX, called

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Some quick links from me

by on Feb.11, 2006, under Jim

A great site for bookmarking your own favorite sites easily, then sharing them with the world is

-My links can be found hereÂ

– Online IM via AJAX, called

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Happy New Years

by on Dec.31, 2005, under Jim

Well we made it through another year.  Hope everyone has a great new years.

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After school trip to Disney

by on Aug.20, 2005, under Jim

The nice thing about living in Florida, or close to Orlando is that you can take a quick ride to Disney World after school.


More images in the gallery 

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Move complete

by on Aug.20, 2005, under Jim

Well our move to our new house is now complete.  For anyone trying to find the images in the gallery, just click here


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On the Road to Florida

by on Jul.26, 2005, under Nicole

       So, we have been on the road since yesterday, and I don’t feel like typing what has happened.   So far we are in Maryland, and I’m on my dad’s wireless computer.  

       Now, I’m talking on AIM to Julia…   no one else is on.   Dominic WAS on, but he signed off.  

       We were listening to the take off of the Discovery rocket ship thing.   We couldn’t WATCH it because we are in the car.   It sounded cool.

       So, nothing really new, and I’m going to go surf the web.


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Writes Farm 2005

by on Jul.17, 2005, under Jim

We spent the day at Writes Farm in North Smithfield today, to celebrate  Jim and Nathan’s Birthday.

To view pictures taken today, click, here

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